Unlocking Superior Performance Marketing Decisions with AI Smart Insights

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Performance marketing has always been irretrievably linked to data. This particular category of marketers live and breathe metrics, optimization techniques, and analytical reports to ensure that every decision translates to measurable impact. However, as digital channels have expanded, making consistent and effective decisions (especially quickly and on the fly) has become increasingly complex.

Brands now face significant challenges in digesting, analyzing, and acting on varying data sets from multifaceted environments to optimize their decision-making. Making these data-driven decisions often tend to be a time-sensitive operation. This is where AI-powered insights have proven to be highly effective.

AI-powered insights refer to the actionable intelligence and recommendations derived from the use of AI data analysis. It rapidly turns complex data into clear, strategic guidance that drives better marketing performance. Elements such as ad bids and budgets, creative optimization, and audience segmentation significantly improves with AI-powered insights.

Consistent and Time-Sensitive Decision-Making with AI Insights

Ensuring consistent decision-making across platforms can feel like threading a needle in a storm. However, AI has been able to bring a semblance of order and consistency to this chaos by offering insights that align with predefined marketing goals. AI-powered insights provide a transparent view of the plethora of campaign variables, enabling marketers to make decisions that are not swayed by transient data anomalies. This has brought about a level of standardization to performance marketing that can be particularly beneficial for large brands operating across diverse markets. With these AI insights, gaps and inconsistencies in strategy execution are being flagged for human intervention before they become a significant issue.

Another daunting challenge for performance marketers is the quick ingestion, analysis, and understanding required of vast amounts of data from multiple sources. Though humans are capable of pulling valuable insights from traditional data analysis methods, the sheer volume, variety, and velocity of modern data streams is very time-consuming for situations today which require quick strategic and impactful decisions. With AI-powered analysis, heterogeneous data sets, including social media metrics, creative performance, customer behavior, and more are run through, providing real-time deep insights. This allows performance marketers to be proactive instead of reactive with their campaign strategies.

Smart insights from AI’s analytical utility pinpoint exactly where resources should be allocated for maximum ROI. It eliminates the guesswork that often accompanies complex decision-making processes, enabling brands to act swiftly and confidently in their performance marketing efforts.

Here's how AI can help marketers unlock smart insights.

AI-Powered Smart Insights with Pixis

Pixis’ Smart Insights product delivers a competitive edge to performance marketers, enabling them to outpace rivals through superior, data-driven decision-making. By understanding the nuanced impacts of budget allocation, audience trends, and creative asset elements on performance metrics. Pixis empowers brands to craft campaigns that outperform the competition. Leveraging the analytical prowess of AI, Smart Insights provides unique reports rooted in reliable third-party competitor data and historical analysis. This allows brands to make strategic decisions that significantly enhance ROI, engagement, and conversions ensuring they stay ahead in the increasingly competitive performance marketing space.

Smart Insights results in a higher efficiency and effectiveness in various aspects of performance marketing by:

– Transparently organizing and laying out relevant data from various platforms for better cross-platform performance understanding.

– Allowing performance marketers to gain real-time valuable insights into what are the optimal bids and budgets to curate campaigns with better ROIs.

– Improving CAC with a deep understanding of the impact of costs and seasonality to optimize spending by rapidly analyzing large volumes of data.

– Using a uniqueness graph to help visualize the audience’s interests, behaviors, and demographics for higher conversions and increased CLV.

– Increasing ad CTRs by helping creative teams with insights on tags, background, image content, themes, and video analytics using historical performance data of creative assets to identify elements that resonate with target audiences.

Along with information on a brand’s own campaign, Pixis’ AI-powered Smart Insights is currently the only tool that allows a sneak peek into their competitors’

– ad’s engagement metrics

– audience group geography and demographics

– Google ad copy themes

These competitor insights can be crucial for brands learning to make themselves more competitive. For example, by analyzing a competitor’s high-performing ad copy and adapting similar themes or keywords, a brand can strategically capture a similar audience segment. Understanding what works for competitors can inform a strategy that captures more market share.

Quicker and Smarter Decisions with AI-powered Insights

By leveraging AI-powered insights into budgets, creative content, audience segmentation, and even competitive analysis, brands can make more informed, data-driven decisions. This not only enhances the effectiveness of their performance marketing efforts but also provides them with a sustained competitive edge.

AI insights help tackle two pressing issues for performance marketers today in making consistent and rapid decisions. There has been a need to make impactful decisions in real time in order for brands to take advantage of a dynamic environment. With this motivation, brands should drive their strategic performance marketing decision with AI-powered insights.

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