The Next Big Thing For Creative Success – AI-Led Creatives

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An interesting creative that piques the audience’s attention creates a lasting impression and increases recall. It’s the communication and creativity that compels the audience to either click or just absently scroll past your advertisement.

According to a Harvard Business Review study– money invested in a creative advertising campaign had, on average, double the sales impact of a euro spent on a non-creative campaign. 

Despite creatives playing an essential role in advertising, research conducted by Ehrenberg-Bass Institute shows that only 16% of advertising is recalled and correctly attributed to the brand – which means 84% of ads get lost in the noise. On average, a marketer has about 5 seconds to grab the user’s attention. If the creative isn’t compelling and engaging enough, consumers are unlikely to convert.

Needless to say, creatives need utmost attention and effort. However, creative teams often find it to be an uphill battle to constantly come up with new and innovative ideas that can make their mark on consumers. And more often than not, the ideas are based on guesswork. 

How can AI-led Creatives Help?

A novel solution to increase communication relevancy is to design personalized creatives.

Personalized ad piques consumers’ attention and establishes a connection, which increases the likelihood of conversion. It helps build an emotional connection with brands and this helps in increasing interest and conversions. However, personalization at scale and across hundreds of campaigns can be a daunting task for marketers and creative teams.

AI has proved itself pivotal in helping creative teams improve their ideation and execution efficiency. It can work as a catalyst to human-led creativity. The Creative AI system combines the creativity of humans with the agility and scalability of AI. It can help design teams by highlighting creative ideas that are rooted in strong, data-backed, actionable consumer insights. These insights help design teams perform better by recommending layouts and elements that have a proven track record. Design teams can focus on creativity and innovation based on the insights the AI provides.

Decoding Creative AI

The three major stages in the creative process are – idea generation, execution, and personalization. These stages together ensure that the design teams can get the basic design idea, execute and scale that idea with the right personalization and with higher efficiency than before. With AI and human collaboration, creative teams can produce exciting results through novel approaches. 3 efficiency parameters are integral to an effective creative AI system; Ideation Efficiency, Execution Efficiency, Personalization Efficiency. These parameters along with easy collaboration and feedback mechanisms can help design teams boost their efficiency. 

Ideation Efficiency – Arrive at thumb-stopping ideas for campaigns

To create successful campaigns, the ideas that fuel them need to rank high on the thumb-stopping index. These are the ideas that lend power to campaigns, ensuring significant recall eventually leading to high-quality conversions for the brand. The AI-led creative engine can enhance the ideation process by making it seamless and strongly data-backed. It suggests the most relevant idea and matching optimization actions by mapping the ideas to the optimal target audience. This visual representation of data becomes easy to understand and act upon. Among the plethora of maps are – trend maps, communication maps, idea maps, design & layout maps, and personalization maps. This helps surface the right data points and insights such that each idea is built to be better than the previous one. 

Execution Efficiency – Search, Design, Organize effortlessly at scale

The AI carries out the automation of mundane tasks and also enables smart search so that teams can re-use designs & elements and learn from historical performance. It also helps the marketer in maintaining a storage repository of all his/her marketing efforts. With its sophisticated capabilities of recognizing the image elements, enabling effortless creative organizing. This is especially helpful for seasonal or recurring campaigns. 

Personalized Efficiency – Scaling personalization Efficiently

Creative AI here maps the targeting parameters with their corresponding creative elements. Taking feedback from performance management AI, the creative AI maps the most optimum elements and recommends the ideal elements and visuals. Where human teams would need hundreds of hours to accomplish this, the AI system can do the job much quicker at any scale, saving time and effort for the team.

Feedback & Collaboration – Highly efficient & flourishing creative ecosystem

Improved creativity is an output of human intelligence guiding artificial intelligence systems. Our platform has collaboration tools built in that make it easier for creative teams to collaborate and coordinate. The AI also analyses and provides data points to creative teams to help them improve and create designs that better resonate with users. This would result in higher team efficiency with lower go-to-market times and creatives which drives results through a better funnel.  

Creative AI serves as the all-in-one creative assistant for design teams and marketers. It builds an efficient framework where constant feedback helps design teams craft the communication that they would like to see, thereby ensuring a higher ROAS. At the same time enables marketers to personalize ads at a much higher scale. From suggesting the right idea to delivering impressive results – Creative AI contributes vastly to the overall campaign success.

Creatives that Enables Higher Engagement & Brand Recognition

In almost every industry, AI-led systems have shown promising results. Creative ideation and management are no exception. With the ever-increasing computational power and data availability, there’s no doubt that the capability of AI in creative endeavors will be pushed. However, the most efficient result is possible only through the blend of human creativity guiding artificial intelligence.

How AI-led marketing can help you hit your goals?

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