It’s now close to 5 decades since the movie Terminator was released – which almost had us believing that machines with brains can turn into killing machines.
Now, whilst machines with guns and vengeance remain only in the preserves of screenwriters and authors (thank god!), AI is playing a monumental part in disrupting modern businesses.
Be it voice assistants, marketing optimization, business intelligence, spam filtering, or even detecting a cat face – AI has become the new ‘big’ enabler for many, if not all businesses.
So, what’s next?
As a pioneer in codeless AI SaaS for marketing, we can say – the world is witnessing AI’s shift from doing regular mundane tasks to carrying out many complex tasks day by day. Our products are helping customers deliver better brand experiences through AI-led creativity.
For example, look at advertising. It entails finding your target, creating, managing campaigns, and churn out resonating creatives.
Our data shows, creatives generated by human-led creativity augmented by AI-led creativity performed way better than traditional creatives. These creatives are data-backed and can be scaled across campaigns – all the while accounting for creative fatigue. This stands as a testament to AI’s capabilities in the design industry. We have jotted down the 6 steps of how AI finds and scales the right design:
Finds what works and what doesn’t.
a. Scales the strategy that works
b. Creates different permutations of the same to explore and exploit
c. Performance measurement of these designs
d. Correction
e. Repeat the whole process
This opens doors for the big creative collaboration.
A big yes to creators and designers coming up with new designs through a data-backed approach. And no to all those blind executions based on just guesswork. But there isn’t just one side to it. AI is helping brands shape a better overall customer experience – be it website designing, user experience, product improvement, consumer research, and the list goes on. Let’s break it down.
AI-led Website & Landing Page Design
Website designing, until now had 2 alternatives. Brands can take the help of web designers, or create a website using drag-and-drop templates. But both have their benefits and pitfalls. Drag and drop is a quick and easy way to create a website but lacks customization options. Getting it designed through a web designer provides the highest level of customization, albeit takes a longer time in creating and updating it.
AI can effortlessly analyze design trends (millions of them) and recommend personalized website designs based on the requirements. It is fed with data about design laws, content creation, current trends, and best practices – the basis on which it designs the website.
AI in UI/UX Testing
User testing is big among today’s brands. Almost 55% of companies are doing it to provide a more user-friendly customer experience. AI can help UX designers unlock invaluable insights in terms of customer accessibility, usability, and satisfaction by enabling them to design impactful UI/UX testing. It analyzes their voice, facial expressions, pain points where they get stuck at, and emotions while they browse through UI.
Big on Co-Create
The true power of AI is unleashed when AI and human intelligence work together. Humans augmented with AI can work smarter by executing, organizing, and collaborating effortlessly. It’s all about that collaboration that complements each other’s strengths and counterbalances each other’s inhibitions.
Be it copywriting, design, web development, or anything under the sun. AI helps remove all the formulaic disciplines and act as an enabler for us to achieve the best.
Will AI Replace Designers?
Short answer?
Long answer?
AI helps us be less like machines. Humans are creative and can think out of the box, that AI can not (at least until now). Think of it as a helping hand. With AI augmenting humans, we can push the envelope and churn out more path-breaking ideas. We love this quote from Garry Kasparov – one of the greatest chess players of all time who lost to Deep Blue (a supercomputer) way back in 1997 –
“Using computers for the more menial aspects of reasoning will free us, elevating our cognition toward creativity, curiosity, beauty, and joy.”
Stay tuned for our next AI-volution blog. Shoot us a demo if you want to see all of this in action.