Can Generative AI Improve Creative Productivity and Effectiveness?

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Generating high-quality creative work can be time-consuming and often filled with tedious tasks. Finding inspiration, creating numerous iterations, and refining those elements into polished assets can stretch timelines. Even when the drafts are ready, they still need to go through multiple edits to be deemed perfect. The same can be said about creative work in the field of marketing.

Along with the generation of creative assets taking hours, there is the added challenge of the lack of access to performance data to ensure that these assets relate well with the audience and align with the campaign goals. Creative teams frequently find themselves brainstorming ideas blindly, hoping that one will resonate with their audience. This is particularly frustrating because the necessary data does exist, but it is often fragmented across various platforms, tools, and dashboards. As a result, this valuable information becomes difficult to communicate until after substantial effort has already been invested into creatives.

However, a poignant solution exists in Generative AI, a technology that can help marketers increase creative output and effectiveness.

Accelerating Creative Productivity with Generative AI

Generative AI acts as a catalyst for creative productivity. One of the most challenging aspects of creative work is finding inspiration. Whether it’s brainstorming visuals, music, or other design elements, the initial conceptual phase is labor-intensive and time-consuming. Generative AI tools can significantly ease this process by providing inspiration for design ideas and concepts. For example, generative AI tools can scan millions of design elements and suggest innovative combinations that human designers may have had to produce several drafts to come up with.

After inspiring creative thought, generative AI is then capable of generating multiple iterations of creative assets for a single campaign. This boost in productivity translates to shorter turnaround times for creative campaigns. Marketers bringing their campaigns to life faster allows for more time to be allocated to strategic planning for future brand endeavors. According to a McKinsey study, productivity in the marketing industry could increase between 5-10% because of generative AI tools.

Generative AI can help improve creative output and effectiveness substantially.

Enhanced Creative Effectiveness with Generative AI

Generative AI tools are not just about increasing output, it is also about improving the quality of that output. Creative assets produced by generative AI models can be tailored and fine-tuned to resonate deeply with the brand’s audience. By being trained on brand guidelines and historical campaign data, the AI can imitate the brand’s voice and aesthetic perfectly. It understands the nuances that make a brand unique and can recreate those elements.

Moreover, generative AI tools can consolidate data from various sources and provide real-time insights directly to the creative team. By integrating data analytics to understand which types of creatives perform best with specific audience segments, these tools can guide designers and marketers with evidence-based recommendations. This streamlines the creative output and increases the likelihood of producing content that is highly relevant to the target demographics. Imagine a tool that understands that a younger audience tends to prefer more vibrant and dynamic visuals, while an older demographic tends to resonate more with classical and subdued tones. AI can ensure that every piece of creative content aligns with these preferences, leading to more effective and engaging campaigns.

The combination of numerous creatives being generated to relate to different audiences is perhaps best exemplified by CARSOME in this Pixis case study. This leading used car e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia had set its sights on increasing brand awareness and optimizing audience growth through its performance ad campaigns. CARSOME leveraged the Pixis Creative AI infrastructure to create multiple iterations of ads for audience groups from different countries. Book a demo to learn more about Pixis AI.

Future of Creative Marketing with Generative AI

The integration of generative AI has enabled higher levels of innovation and creativity. This synergy pushes the boundaries of what brands once thought possible, delivering captivating content that stands out in a crowded market. Brands such as Levi’s have recently utilized generative AI platforms like DALL-E to create a series of stunning, AI-generated, denim designs that merged classic aesthetics with futuristic elements. These unique, visually striking assets not only captured the audience’s attention but also set new standards for creative expectations.

As consumers’ expectations rise, driven by the need for newer experiences, brands are now better equipped than ever to meet and exceed these demands. Marketers can now quickly generate inspired, brand-aligned creative assets that resonate deeply with their audiences, increasing their creative output and effectiveness with generative AI.

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